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Astronomers Observe Rare Celestial Event

Asteroid Leona Passes in Front of Bright Star

Astronomers Observe Rare Celestial Event

Data from Hubble and Other Observatories Analyzed

An asteroid known as Leona has passed in front of a bright star, providing astronomers with a rare opportunity to study such an event. Scientists analyzed data from NASA's Hubble Space Telescope and several other observatories to gather insights into Leona's characteristics and behavior.

A Spanish-led team observed an eclipse of a much dimmer star by Leona in September. This allowed them to determine the asteroid's size and shape. They also estimated its mass and composition, providing valuable information about its origin and evolution.

For those who did not live along the path of the eclipse, the Virtual Telescope Project provided a live stream of the event. This allowed people around the world to witness the celestial spectacle from their homes.

The passage of Leona in front of the bright star has generated excitement among the astronomy community. It provides important data for understanding the composition and distribution of asteroids in our solar system. Furthermore, it showcases the capabilities of modern telescopes and the value of international collaboration in scientific research.
